Verbena made the renevation of a 47 m2 space in Tetuán, Madrid, from a commercial space to an apartment. After removing all the partitions, the remaining layout was an almost perfect square, with a central structural pillar dividing the space into four sections. We decided to conserve this as much as possible and allot the 4 essential uses of a house into each of these 4 sections; eating, living, sleeping and bathing, keeping the plan open, with the minimum number of dividing walls in order to preserve a single larger area, full of natural light.
Blue is the main color in this project. It's used for the integrated furniture, with different tones applied to the various areas of the apartment.
Verbena made the renevation of a 47 m2 space in Tetuán, Madrid, from a commercial space to an apartment. After removing all the partitions, the remaining layout was an almost perfect square, with a central structural pillar dividing the space into four sections. We decided to conserve this as much as possible and allot the 4 essential uses of a house into each of these 4 sections; eating, living, sleeping and bathing, keeping the plan open, with the minimum number of dividing walls in order to preserve a single larger area, full of natural light.
Blue is the main color in this project. It's used for the integrated furniture, with different tones applied to the various areas of the apartment.
Transformación de un local comercial en apartamento. Tras demoler todos los tabiques existentes, la planta era un cuadrado casi perfecto dividido en 4 secciones que se organizan en torno a un pilar central. Decidimos conservar en la medida de lo posible esta distribución acogiendo los 4 usos esenciales de la vivienda en cada uno de los espacios: comer, estar, dormir e higiene, añadiendo el número imprescindible de particiones para conseguir privacidad manteniendo las estancias abiertas y luminosas. Los límites entre usos vienen dados por la estructura y la diferencia de cota del forjado.
El azul es el color principal del proyecto, y se emplea en el mobiliario integrado en las diferentes áreas de la vivienda.